What is Resiliency?
Resiliency is the ability to overcome challenges of all kinds – trauma, tragedy, personal crises, plain ‘ole’ life problems – and bounce back stronger, wiser, and more personally powerful.
"Nothing diminishes anxiety
faster than action.”
~Walter Anderson

"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves."
~ Victor E. Frankl, survivor of Aushwitz, author
Hello, my name is Mary Elizabeth (Liz) Dietrich.
I offer one on one professional psychotherapy and counseling.
I am currently offering sessions in person or via telephone or secure video conference.
I specialize in the development of resiliency skills, relationship issues, loss and grieving, depression and anxiety problems.
I work with individual adult clients.
I have a B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed. (Counselling Psychology), and I am a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered
Psychotherapists of Ontario (#001854).
Before meeting for the first time, a brief telephone consultation will help determine if we are a good fit for working together.